12th Eng Flamingo Poem-1 My Mother At Sixty Annotations/ vocabulary


1-Driving-(here) driving the vehicle; गाड़ी चलाते हुए। 

2-Beside-by the side of; near, साथ में, समीप । 3-Doze-dozing, ऊँघते हुए। 

4-Ashen-pale and grey like ash; राख की भाँति धूसर तथा विवर्ण। 

5-Corpse-dead body; लाश । 

6-Thought away-(here) lost in thought somewhere else; दूर कहीं विचारों में खोई हुई। 7-Put that thought away-removed her thought from her mother; अपनी माँ से विचार हटाया।

8- Sprinting- short fast race running; तेज़ दौड़ते हुये।

9- Merry - happy; प्रसन्न। 

10-Spilling-moving out; बाहर निकलते हुए। 11-Security check-routine security check-up at the airport; हवाई अड्डे पर आमतौर पर होने वाली सुरक्षा जाँच।

12- Wan-colourless;  फीका । 

13-Pale-faded, yellowish; पीलापन

14-Familiar-well known; चिर-परिचित, जानी-पहचानी। 

15-Ache-pang, deep pain; पीड़ा, टीस ।

Poem-1 My Mother At Sixty Six

Summary, introduction 


Poem-1 My Mother At Sixty Six

 Solved Extracts


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